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HypnoBirthing® FAQ:

Q:  Do I need to take a Lamaze or Bradley class too?

A:  No, as HypnoBirthing® is a complete method of birthing your baby. There are breathing techniques that are associated with this program which will be taught in the class. However, if you would like to take additional classes that is not believed to interfere with the HypnoBirthing® coursework.

Q:  I am interested, but I plan on having an epidural. Is your class still relevant?

A:  Yes! The philosophy of HypnoBirthing® is for the mother and her partner to have the birth that they want. It is a full birth plan, which can include an epidural, although many mothers report not having needed it after taking the course.

Q:  What if I have to be induced? Can I still use the HypnoBirthing® method?

A:  Absolutely! Again, HypnoBirthing® is a way of creating deep relaxation for the mother and baby so that the body and baby can work in unison as nature intended. This can still be achieved even if labor is jump started.

Q:  What if I have to be induced? Can I still use the HypnoBirthing® method?

A:  Absolutely! Again, HypnoBirthing® is a way of creating deep relaxation for the mother and baby so that the body and baby can work in unison as nature intended. This can still be achieved even if labor is jump started.

Q:  Won’t my doctor handle the birth?

A:  Many women may be happy to have the birth taken care of for them. HypnoBirthing® is for the mother and her partner who want to be involved in the birthing process and who want to have a plan and an idea of how they want to welcome their baby into the world.

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